Reducing our ecological footprint

Maintaining a healthy and highly motivate workforce

Engaging with the local community

Continuing to developing ecological sustainability goals


Tibbetts Group views sustainability as continually reducing our own ecological footprint, maintaining a healthy and highly motivated workforce, engaging with our communities and continually developing the ecological and social performance of our suppliers.

Tibbetts look for continual improvements from our stakeholders to enhance our people, the environment, and the products we offer.

Tibbetts 100% work and comply to ISO14001 environmental systems. View Certificate ↗


Company Management

  • Human rights, diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Due diligence and codes of conduct
  • Complaints, grievance and appeal procedures, including external stakeholders

Health & Safety

  • Policies on protective equipment, emergency preparedness & fire prevention/protection
  • Risk assessments, including workplace ergonomics


  • Measures of renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction targets (SBTI* approved)
  • Environmental management system certification
  • Policies covering all areas, from water and air quality to recycling
  • Targeted reductions for suppliers

*Science Based Targets Initiative

Human Rights & Working Conditions

  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • Rights of minorities and indigenous people
  • Natural resource rights and forced evictions

Business Ethics

  • Fair competition and counterfeit parts
  • Anti-bribery and inducements
  • Staff training

Responsible Supply Chain Management

  • A clear CSSR requirement for suppliers
  • Clear policies that are monitored with suppliers that reflect our own Company Management, Human Rights, Working Conditions and Ethics
  • Audit suppliers to ensure adherence to policies and management systems or processes